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“A Toast to Mid-Autumn Festival” Music Concert

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“A Toast to Mid-Autumn Festival” Music Concert

Autumn is approaching, CCCN proudly presents a music celebration to honour the season of Autumn. The concert will be showcasing young talents from local schools! Music, Iced Tea and snacks are ready to welcome all of you! Let’s come over, enjoy a sip of tea , music and a moonlight night!


|時間 Time|

2023/09/23 (六 Sat)

6 pm – 7 pm

|地點 Location|

澳門紐曼樞機藝文館 (得勝斜路55號地下)

CCCN MACAU (Calçada da Vitória No.55, RC, Macau)

|票價Ticket Price|

MOP 40 

(包括冰茶及茶點 Iced Tea & light refreshments will be provided )

*Limited supply, available on first come first served basis.

價惠 Discount:


10% off : 65 years old or above, Accompany of 2 or above



Stove Iced Tea

Present by National Intermediate Tea Specialist Miss Ho.

Green Tea, Oolong Tea and White Tea

*Iced Tea is supplied on first
come first served basis.

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