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從歐洲探視和認識澳門 “Exploration into Macau from the European History“

CCCN have invited Father Jóse Au to share his vision of Europe and story in Macau.

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講座將透過『里斯本國都之成立』、『回教興起 - 聖地、北非和依比里亞的淪陷』、『收復失地運動和騎士團的興起與中衰』、『Denis國王與騎士團的關係』、『殷里基王子與航海事業』、『遠東航路之發現』、『英、荷、葡在東方之爭 (宗教與貿易) 』等事件,探討歐洲史的變遷與澳門之關係;乃至華士古花園、舊西洋墳場「紅底白中」的基督騎士團徽號,透露著甚麼含義。
From “Cultural Legacy of Lisbon”,“Rise of Islamic Power: Downfall of the Holy Land, North Africa and Iberia Penisula”,“Re-Conquest Movemnet and the history Military Orders“, “King Denis of Portugal & The Portuguese Military Order“, “The Legacy of Henry the Navigator”,“ Voyages of Exploration to the Far East”, to “Conflicts and wars between British, Dutch and Portuguese in Far East(Riches, power, trade and reliagion)”, Father Au will deep dive into the relationship between History of Europe and Macau through archive. Furthermore, Father Au will also further explore the stories of Vasco da Gama Garden, and the Order of Chivalry in St. Miguel Arcanjo Cemetery.

日期Date:2023年11月5日Nov. 5, 2023
時間Time:3:00pm – 5:00pm(視交流情況而有機會延長半小時May extend half hour)
講者Guest Speaker:區華勝神父 Father Jóse Au
對象Target:有興趣之人士 Any Interested Party
費用Fees:MOP 50

區華勝神父 Father Jóse Au
Born in Macau. Ph.D of biblical theology in The Pontifical Gregorian University. Father Au taught in Pius X Seminary in Tainan. During his academic and teaching years, He visited many places mentioned in Bible. He retired and is currenly living in Hong Kong, and is passionated about researching in Church History at leisure.

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六十五歲或以上之人士,免費參與; 65 aged or above, free of charge.

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