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分享會 Sharing

“褪色”與 “重生”
” Vanish” and “Reborn”
Seminar:” The Perpetual Steet of Balcony: Almeida Ribeiro”

「Urban development shall be planned in accordance to History. However, it does not mean to preserve the site in the absence of modernization. Urbanization shall be done through revitalizing historic buildings.」


” Strolling on Almeida Ribeiro” changed the 450-metre-long Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro (a.k.a. “San Ma Lo”) into a temporary pedestrian area several months before. However, did you notice the balcony hanging over the side of “San Ma Lo”? The Street of Balcony of “San Ma Lo” has been a spectacular historical and cultural existence. Ms. Claire Wong, an enthusiast in balcony, will compare the exquisite “Street of Balcony” with the general characteristics and development of balcony. In addition to the brief introduction, the guest speaker will further investigate into the conservation of this historic district with the inevitable urban development.

日期Date:2023年4月30日(星期日)30th April, 2023 (Sunday)
地點Location:紐曼樞機藝文館CCCN Macau (得勝斜路55號地下Calçada da Vitória No. 55, RC, Macau)
對象Target:有興趣人士Any Interested Party
分享會嘉賓Guest Speaker:黃何晰小姐Ms. Claire Wong

Miss Clair Wong is a local enthusiast in balcony and Master of Interdisciplinary Arts. Has been engaged in branding and interior design after graduation. Claire is currently engaged as a jewelry designer.


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